Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Promoter Myth's

This St. Patrick's Day was better than I expected. I hosted 2 events and an after-hours at a it took me a good 3 days to recover from the weekend. Damn, I love the "holiday's".

I'm back and I wanted to address a question that I'm asked so often that it kills me..."what does it take to be a promoter"

I wrote a 2 part email to all of my newsletter subscribers about it--but the feedback I got on this article was so good, that i figured I should post it here for everyone to read.

Feel free to leave any feedback...

What it Takes to Be a Promoter--Part 1--Promoter Myth's
When you're starting out in any new business one of the most common questions people ask themselves is "do i have what it takes to make it in this business". By nature, people always seem to doubt that they have the skills or the born ability to be successful in a business...which is why I commonly get asked:

"what does it take to be a promoter"?

I'm doing a 2 part post to answer this question. ..
The first post will dispel many of the more common "promoter myth's" that surround the job.
In the second email, I'm going to give you the "characteristics of a successful promoter" be sure to check it out next week.

So lets start this week with some of the most common "Promoter Myth's" that people tie to the job...

-You Have to be A Guy: I've heard people say only men can make it in this business. **FALSE**. When you're first starting out, it's actually easier to be a female. Men will go where the women's a fact. It's much easier to pull groups of men to your parties than it is to pull women. So, if you're a female, you already have better access to groups of women (your friends, girls in your classes or women you work with etc) who trust you and will happily go to your party...and having big groups of women makes it easier to throw a good party.
It also helps to be female when you're promoting to girls that you don't know--it's easier to gain their trust when a female is promoting to them--they don't think it's a shady party or one of those that has 100 guys and only 5 girls.

Some of the MOST successful promoters I know are women. It's true that there are more men than women promoters, but all the female promoters that i know are very my advice to all women out there--give it a try!

-You Need a Degree in Business: **FALSE** It's very common these days for people to think that you need a degree in something to be successful in that business. But promoting is one of those jobs that they don't teach you about in school, but rather, it's learned on the job. You can learn everything you need on the job (or if you want to save time and money, read my guide)

-Mr. (or Ms.) Popular: **FALSE** You don't have to be born popular, but it doesn't hurt if you are. If you're not already popular, promoting will make you well known, very quickly. If you're not popular before you begin, that's not a problem, but you might have to work a little harder to get out there and let people know about your party.
If you are already popular and have lots of groups of friends, it'll make your job that much easier. But again, this is something that you will develop as you do the job. The longer you promote, the more well known you will become (which means your job will get easier and easier as time goes on)

-You have to be the Life of the Party: Again,**FALSE**. You don't have to be the life of the party, but it certainly doesn't hurt. I've known a few promoters that don't love going out, but they look at the job from a business point of view and still manage to throw amazing parties. They go out every night, but they don't party hard---they just do their work and go home. Personally, I love my job and enjoy partying, so I never mind being in the middle of a good party!

Those are some of the most common "myth's" i hear people say about promoters, but I want you to know they are ALL FALSE. People love to talk about others and when you are doing well with your business and bringing in lots of money, people are going to get jealous and say things to discourage you...DON'T LET THEM!

-Next post will cover "characteristics and traits of a promoter"

1 comment:

Dangerous Dave said...

My name is Dave and I am a weekend DJ known as "dangerous Dave on 96.7 KMDZ THE SOURCE". I have wanted to be a promoter for a long time and have also been an MC at a couple of concerts/shows. Thanks for the myths, as soon as I have the funds I will DEFINITLEY by your book....