Monday, August 4, 2008

Something that Happened to ME...

I want to tell you a quick story about something that happened to me TODAY and what i learned (again) from it...

Today i was at the gym working out when this ridiculously hot girl walked by me.

Remember, i'm living in LA now so i see some pretty amazing women walking by me on a daily basis. (Just last week i sat 2 tables away from a group of 8-10 former playboy bunnies. Great meal!).

So i'm just staring at this beautiful girl in the mirror while i'm pretending to continue my workout and i guess i was a little obvious because the guy on the bench next to me starts laughing.

Obviously he noticed her too so we began talking. We ended up working out together and talking for the next 45 minutes.

I found out that this guy works in the marketing department for a fairly big cable television station.

Right away i jumped on this and told him that i'm a promoter and if he was ever looking for someone to throw a party for them or coordinate an event at a venue, i could help him out.

I told him about a few of my past parties, the clubs I've worked at, and the people I've worked with. He said he would definitely let me know if they ever have anything they could use my services for. (When we went back to the locker-room i made sure to give him my card--i always have a few in my wallet)

I figured it was a long shot, but it was a good contact to make and hopefully something good would come of it...

Well tonight i got an email on my blackberry from him that I've copied and pasted here:

"We r gonna be launching a new show this fall& i'd love to talk to u about throwing a PR launch party for us. Call me tomorrow"

Hopefully this happens and we get to throw this launch party with lots of celebrities and sponsors...that would be great for my resume and EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY profitable!

But this whole situation reminded me of how important it is to be social and outgoing as a promoter...

...i know this sounds obvious to some people but from time to time we all need to be reminded. Even i forget how important this is for our business and how much we can benefit by being very social at all times.

It's easy for us to go about our daily lives with our heads down and our mouth's shut...but if we do that we limit the different opportunities that come our way.

The more people we talk to, the more friends we make, the more connections we have, means the more money we'll make.

Think of every single new person you see or meet as another opportunity to make more money...So the more people you meet, and the more people you talk to,the more money you will make!

And this rule doesn't just apply to being a promoter...this is true for any business that you are in.
If you want to be successful in business you need to be (or learn how to be) social and outgoing at all times.

While this does apply to all businesses, this is especially true for promoters...We earn a lot of money by bringing people to a party. We are paid to be popular and have lots of friends/connections.

The only way to make more friends and meet new people is to talk to people at the gym, in your classes, at your office, or anywhere you run into people on a daily basis. Join groups, attend events and go out of your way to network.

Had this beautiful girl not walked by I might have kept to myself today and not started talking to this guy...and then this opportunity (whether it turns into the very profitable party or not) would have just passed me by.

I got lucky this time but i'm going to make a point to work on this every single day because, while i knew this was important, i was reminded how much this will improve my business on a daily basis!

So my tip of the week, one that I need to remember too...
No matter where you are or what you are doing, always look to be social and outgoing whenever humanly possible, so you are open to any and all opportunities that might come your way!


Anonymous said...

Too true! It's a shame you didn't talk to the hot girl, though... ;)

Anonymous said...

Yup when your in a business that requires you to be social you no doubt have to always be networking.