Thursday, July 19, 2007

June's Promoter Success Stories

I don't know about you, but nothing gets me more motivated to go out and earn some cash then reading about other people that are out there doing it.

I'm the kinda guy that likes to read success stories of other wealthy and powerful people. I don't mean just in the promoting world, but in all different types of businesses.

I like to read how people got rich with an idea or how they built their fortunes with a makes me realize i can do it too if i stay focused and motivated.

So to keep everyone motivated (including myself), I'm going to continue to send out emails and post blogs of success stories from promoters that have gotten the Party Promoter Guide and have made money or thrown insane parties that are worth sharing with everyone...

Hopefully, these emails will either:

A) Stop you from procrastinating and start you promoting.
B) Motivate you to take your promoting business to the NEXT LEVEL!

Last month, I asked anyone that bought the guide to send in their success stories, and i got an overwhelming amount of responses.

I guess the Book is working!

But remember, The Party Promoter Guide will only help you IF: actually read the book and take in the information. (there is a ton of good stuff in there and if you don't actually read it, you'll never learn from it.)

and're willing to try some of the techniques that I teach in the book. (70% of the people that get the book will do nothing. Separate yourself from everyone else and take the steps to make the money that you desire.)

I got so many "Success Story" emails this month, that I decided to share 2 different Success Stories...
June 2007 Success Story #1... DeMarcus V.
Just wanted to say:
Since buying the guide, I have been throwing parties every Wednesday night (College Night).
My first two parties was free to everyone, then I started charging $10 at the door. Made $800 the first night ($400 after paying everyone) and the $1200 the second week ($800 after paying everyone).
DeMarcus V.

...DeMarcus didn't mention what city or town he's from, but clearly he's doing this in a college town and promoting to the college kids, which is helping him to rake in the cash!
Awesome job!

June 2007 Success Story #2... Johnny P. New Brunswick, NJ
Mr. Gold,
Thank you for your emails and thank you for writing your book!
I have always loved to go out at night and party i wanted to throw my own parties to make money.
I never learned "the right way"...i tried a couple and lost money and the turn out wasn't successful...
I came across your site and read some of your emails...After reading some online...i didn't think twice of ordering it...
I just really wanted to learn it the right way and be mentored so i can make some real money in my promoting business.
My first few parties, i was spending too much money on passes and paying people to do things that weren't needed...
After reading your book, I tried your "tricks to promote without spending your own money" and this helped me throw a party without spending too much money...and I finally MADE some money...and the turn out was great. We had a line down the block!
I started a weekly Friday party that has been making money...every week! I'm going to start a Saturday party in July and then a Thursday party...
In the fall I'm going to have a Monday Night Football party...
Thanks guru,
Johnny P.

...Johnny didn't go into detail of how much money he was making each party, but if he was making a few hundred a week and was adding more parties, he is on the verge of breaking out! If you are able to fill a venue and get lines down the block it's only a matter of time until you are making BIG BUCKS!

I hope these couple of emails did the job and inspired you or motivated you to make some moves...these are normal people just like you and me, who got the guide, and took the steps to make some cash!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

How to Grow Your Party and Promoting Business

Hope you had a relaxing, fun or profitable 4th of July (that's if you are located in the US--If you're not in the US, i hope you had a great Wednesday).

Lately, I've been writing a lot about "how to get people to your party" & "the Do's and Dont's of promotions", etc, etc.

But at this point, many of the people that have been reading the blog, my weekly emails and reading the Party Promoter Guide are ready to take their party to the next level.

They are throwing a weekly party or two and are making good money but they want to bring their party to a whole new level so they can start raking in the SIX FIGURE cash!

...I've been getting tons of emails asking me about this so I know many people are ready to find out how they can GROW THEIR PARTY and their income.

I've been doing this a long, long time and from my experience the best way to grow your party to another level is by focusing on people.


Yes, people.

But in this case, I DON'T mean clients or party-goers.

If you're looking to grow your party, you're going to need more people to know about you and all of the hot parties you are throwing.

You want to get your name out there fast and to as many people as you can!

There are a number of ways to get your name out there so that every party-goer in town knows you who you are and what kind of party you throw---but most of them cost money (IE: radio commercials)

In my experience, they best way to really grow your party, without spending your money, is to focus on people.

...and by this I mean 3 things:
1) Get a Partner
2) Team up with other promoters
3) Get people to work for you

You could do all 3 of these options, or just one of these options, but these are they keys I've found to growing your party to another level.

I could talk about each of these topics for pages and pages, but to spare you the details, I'll just briefly touch on each of these...

1) Get a Partner:
Running a business can be a little work, and although running your own promoting business isn't much work, having a partner will make it that much easier.
But making the job easier isn't the best benefit of having a partner--the best thing about having a partner is that your partner will have access to 100's of people that you do not know.
(As i talk about in my guide, don't pick a partner with the same EXACT social circle--you want to expand your client reach)

So if you're looking to start promoting to a new type of crowd or to expand your reach of clients into another town or college, think of adding a partner for a quick and easy way to grow your party!

2) Team up with other promoters:
i know this sounds like a "partner" but it's not. I'm talking about working with another promoter on a few different events here or there, but NOT making them a partner in your business that splits all your profits and has access to all your clients and contacts.
Teaming up with another successful promoter is good if you want to promote a venue that is too big for your current party, but you feel promoting this venue will help out your name and reputation.
If you were to team up with another big-time promoter and together you can throw 1 HUGE party, both your reputations will expand to anew client base.

3) Get People to Work for YOU:
This is my favorite thing about promoting...Promoting is a job that actually has amazing fringe benefits and people are willing to help you out for free.
People will trade their time and services in exchange for free entry, VIP treatment, or a couple of free drinks.

Many young people love the social benefits involved with this job and will work for free just to be around it...which is great for us!

If for some reason you can't find people to work for free, then you can hire young and hungry promoters to pull people to your party for very cheap.

This is a common way people start out in the business...and it's EXACTLY how *I* started out in the business back in college. Someone paid me a flat fee to bust my butt and pull as many people as i could to their party.

I made very little money (I only realized this looking back since i know how much the main promoter was pulling in--at the time i thought it was pretty good money) and so did they other newbies like me, but we all learned a lot about how to be a promoter and how to run this business...and in exchange, the guy we worked for had his venue packed to the brim and made out with a ton of cash!

...In the end it was a good deal for both of us.

At the time i remember thinking it was unfair, but i had to earn my stripes just like many other promoters before me and i got to learn the business on the go and made some money doing it.
Well, you can do the same. Find some local college kids or hungry new promoters that want to crack into the business and offer to give them X amt for the night to pull all their friends and family to the party.

You do that with a bunch of kids, you're going to have a packed party without doing much work or spending too much money.

You could even offer them a list and give them a couple of dollars per person that comes on their list--this will motivate them to work harder!

As i mentioned earlier, you could use all of these ways together (get a partner, join forces with other promoters for a party or two and hire sub-promoters to help fill your venue) or you could use each one individually.

Either way, it's important to continue to grow your business and grow your list so that you can pull in the dollars you want and grow you overall bottom line.

The bigger your parties get--the bigger your paychecks will get!