Monday, November 12, 2007

A Couple of Huge Reasons to be a Promoter...Right Now

The next few months are what many promoters often call their "busy season"...but instead of just one holiday like Christmas, we have 3!

I love to throw Super Bowl, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's day and all those other holiday parties...but the reality is, they are just a tiny fraction of what you can earn compared to one of the "big three" parties.

They are:
3) Halloween
2) Thanksgiving Eve
1) New Years Eve

I've been in this business a long, long time, and for me, New Years Eve is always my biggest party of the year.

...But I've worked with big time promoters that make much more money on Halloween and I know a lot that swear Thanksgiving Eve is their most profitable party of the year.

...regardless of which party is the biggest, they are all very lucrative and you should be involved with all of them.

Although Halloween just passed, if you work fast you can start promoting in time for the last two (extremely profitable) parties....

Thanksgiving Eve
For those of us in the United States, this is a huge party night right before a big holiday weekend.
When you're in college, this could be the biggest party of the year since everyone is back home from school for the holiday's and they want to see everyone from home, so people feel compelled to go out.

If you're a college student or around that age, you MUST be involved with promoting these parties and start pushing YOUR Thanksgiving Eve party's never too early to get a jump on this.

Just like with Halloween, these parties are normally pre-sold tickets so this is a great opportunity for new promoters or people that don't want the responsibility of throwing their own big party to get involved and earn some cash.

New Years Eve
Obviously the most popular and biggest party of the year. If you're even thinking of becoming a promoter, you should be involved with a New Years Eve party...even if you're just promoting in your part-time.

You don't have to throw your own party and if you're new, then I would suggest NOT trying your own New Years Eve party until you've become much more experienced. (I personally didn't throw my own New Years Party until I was promoting for 5 years)

I suggest getting involved with a big time new years party and help sell their tickets to this event...and here's why:

1) The person throwing the party has taken on the main financial responsibilities involved (renting the place, guaranteeing the bar a certain dollar amount, paying the big name DJ, etc.)

2) You and your business can be associated with BIG names without paying the big bucks needed for these names. (Like when Diddy is "hosting" a New Years bash)

3) Makes your sale much easier and it's all profit for you.
I could write forever on these 3 parties because they are so big, and so important to making a great living as a promoter, but I have to get back to work on MY 2008 Halloween Party!

So, if you've been reading my blog and you are:
  • thinking of getting into promoting...
  • you just want to try it part-time...
  • or you're already promoting but want to take your promoting to a whole other level...

Then you have to get started right away because these next few months are THE BEST months of the entire year to do this!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

The "How Old" Question...Answered

First, just wanted to start by apologizing for not posting more blogs in the past 2 months...i needed some time off to after a wild summer. I'm back to work on my promoting "busy season" and promise to update this blog every week from here on out.

Over the past few weeks, more and more people have been emailing me about getting started to be a promoter. With Halloween, Thanksgiving Eve and New Years Eve all within 3 months of each other, i guess people realize how much money there is to be made and people are eager to get started.

One of the most common questions that's been popping up in my email box is: "How old do I have to be to start promoting"

Some people are worried they are too young to start promoting....Others are worried they are too old to start promoting.

The answer is: There is no *right* age.

Being a party promoter is about pulling together groups of people, and bringing them to one place that pays you to fill their venue. You can be any age to do just have to find what people your age want to do, set it up for them, and promote the party.

--You can be 18 and promote teen clubs or Prom After-Parties.

--You can be 30 and promote to single professional adults that want to meet other people in their situation but are too busy with work to go to happy hours every week.
...The possibilities are endless!

A common mistake that people interested in this business make is that they automatically think they are too young or too old for this business.

Or they think promoting is for hip-hop and techno crowds only.

Or just for wild college kids

...These are all totally false.

The fact is, anyone, any age, with any background, in any demographic, with ANY level of education can be a promoter... and make over six figures every year doing it.

It's just a matter of sitting down and thinking:
"what do my friends like to do?" or "what kind of party can I throw that would interest MY crowd"?

A fantastic example of this was sent to me by a female Party Promoter Guide reader that is "over 35, lives in the Bay Area, and is currently working at a big accounting firm". She recently started throwing her own parties for divorced people.
She said it was an untapped market and wanted parties to go to herself (a divorced mother) so she stepped up and threw them for her crowd.

Per her latest email to me, she's making an extra $1,500 a month on the side of her accounting job just for throwing 2 parties each month.

And, on the other side of the coin...

If you're under 21, stop telling yourself that you can't make money in this business since you are "under-age".

Many promoters started out throwing parties in high school and made a killing doing it!
Personally, I started in college, but I've worked with many guys and girls that made a ton in high school throwing those"18 to get in, 21 to drink" parties. They make all their money off the door fees. When you're 18 there aren't a ton of options for you, so these parties were always BIG TIME successes.

My advice to you this week...
Anyone, any age, can be a promoter so it's NEVER too early, or too late, to get started in nightclub or party get started right away because the sooner you start promoting, the faster you start building your list, making connections, and making some CASH!
